Friday 11 May 2018

Lion and Rabbit

Once a fierce lion lived in a jungle. He killed many animals every day.
So all the animals of the forest held a meeting. They talked about the matter.
The clever fox said, ‘Let us offer to the lion an animal every day. Let us pray to him not to ask for more.’
The animals went to him and said, ‘Oh king of the Jungle, we have come to make you an offer. If you kill so many animals a day, there will be none left very soon. We will send an animal to your den every day. Please eat only one animal a day.’
The lion thought, ‘I shall not have to go about to find my food. It is a good idea.’
Then he said to the animals, ‘All right! I accept your offer.’ The animals came away in joy.
From that time one animal would go to the lion’s den. One day it was the turn of an old hare. While going on the road, he thought, ‘Before I die I must play a trick on the lion.’
Thus thinking, he began to walk slowly till he came to the lion’s den.
The lion roared out, ‘why are you so late?’
The hare said, ‘I am a so sorry, sir. Another lion has come to this forest. He stopped me on the way. He wants to kill you.’
The lion said in anger, ‘Lead me to him. I’ll kill him at once.’
‘Follow me then,’ said the hare.
The hare led the lion to a deep well. The hare said, look in here and you will see your enemy.’
The lion looked into the well and saw his own face in the clear water. He roared and the echo came back to him. He thought that another lion was inside the well. He jumped into the well and died.
The hare came back to his friends and told them what had happened. All the animals greeted him as the hero of the jungle. 
Moral: Cleverness can overcome a foe.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

The Hermit And The Mouse

1. The Hermit And The Mouse

A hermit took care of a temple in a small village. He took alms and shared it with a few people who helped him clean the temple. There was a mouse in the temple that kept stealing the hermit’s food and causing trouble for him. The hermit could not get rid of the mouse no matter what he did. The mouse continued to steal food, even when it was kept in an earthen pot hung from the roof.
Distraught, the sage sought advice from a friend, who told him to find the mouse’s food reserves and destroy them. After a thorough search of the premises, the sage found the stockpile of the mouse and destroyed it. With its food gone, the mouse was unable to jump high up to the roof for food. It became weak and got caught by the hermit, who threw it far away from the temple. The mouse was hurt and never returned to the temple.
Moral: Strike at the enemy’s source of strength to defeat him.

Monday 5 February 2018

The Monkey and The Crocodile

Once upon a time, a clever monkey lived in a tree that bore juicy, red rose apples. He was very happy. One fine day, a crocodile swam up to that tree and told the monkey that he had traveled a long distance and was in search of food as he was very hungry. The kind monkey offered him a few rose apples. The crocodile enjoyed them very much and asked the monkey whether he could come again for some more fruit. The generous monkey happily agreed.
The crocodile returned the next day. And the next. And the next one after that. Soon the two became very good friends. They discussed their lives, their friends and family, like all friends do. The crocodile told the monkey that he had a wife and that they lived on the other side of the river. So the kind monkey offered him some extra rose apples to take home to his wife. The crocodile’s wife loved the rose apples and made her husband promise to get her some every day.
Meanwhile, the friendship between the monkey and the crocodile deepened as they spent more and more time together. The crocodile’s wife started getting jealous. She wanted to put an end to this friendship. So she pretended that she could not believe that her husband could be friends with a monkey. Her husband tried to convince her that he and the monkey shared a true friendship. The crocodile’s wife thought to herself that if the monkey lived on a diet of rose monkeys, his flesh would be very sweet. So she asked the crocodile to invite the monkey to their house.
The crocodile was not happy about this. He tried to make the excuse that it would be difficult to get the monkey across the river. But his wife was determined to eat the monkey’s flesh. So she thought of a plan. One day, she pretended to be very ill and told the crocodile that the doctor said that she would only recover if she ate a monkey’s heart. If her husband wanted to save her life, he must bring her his friend’s heart.
The crocodile was aghast. He was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he loved his friend. On the other, he could not possibly let his wife die. The crocodile’s wife threatened him saying that if he did not get her the monkey’s heart, she would surely die.
So the crocodile went to the rose apple tree and invited the monkey to come home to meet his wife. He told the monkey that he could ride across the river on the crocodile’s back. The monkey happily agreed. As they reached the middle of the river, the crocodile began to sink. The frightened monkey asked him why he was doing that. The crocodile explained that he would have to kill the monkey to save his wife’s life. The clever monkey told him that he would gladly give up his heart to save the life of the crocodile’s wife, but he had left his heart behind in the rose apple tree. He asked the crocodile to make haste and turn back so that the monkey could go get his heart from the apple tree.
The silly crocodile quickly swam back to the rose apple tree. The monkey scampered up the tree to safety. He told the crocodile to tell his wicked wife that she had married the biggest fool in the world.
Moral: Have faith on yourself, beware of false friendship.

Monkey and the cats

It was the aftermath of a big festival. Two cats were prowling together. One of the cats saw a big cake and missed. The other jumped up and picked it.
The first cat said, “Give me the cake. It is I who saw it first.”
The other cat said “Keep away from it. It is I who picked it up.”
They were fighting and fighting. But there was no solution. Just then, a monkey passed by. He thought “What foolish cats they must be! Let me make use of this chance.”
He came to the cats and said in a loud voice. “Don’t fight. Let me share the cake with you both”. The cake was handed over to the monkey.
The monkey split the cake into tow parts. He shook his head and said, “Oho! One is bigger. One is smaller”. He had a bit of the bigger and now said “Oho! This has become smaller now”. He ate from the other. And thus, he went on eating from part to part and finally finished the whole cake.
The poor cats were disappointed.

Moral: When you quarrel someone else gets benefited. 
The story is very similar to your property dispute can lead to lawyer's profit. Try to solve the issues internally as much as possible.