Monday 10 February 2020

The hen with gold eggs

The hen with golden eggs

Once upon a time, there was a farmer. He used to work in his farm very hard but he was not happy in life. He always used to think about becoming rich and get rid of the hard work. One day while working in his field he found a golden egg, he was very surprised. He went home and shown the egg to his wife. They both became very happy and started thinking, how it would be if we get the hen who lays this golden eggs. 
After few days he saw a hen in his farm laying eggs. He went to see if it was the hen which used to lay golden eggs and he was delighted to see the golden eggs. He took the hen home. The hen used to lay golden eggs once in a month. The farmer and his wife use to sell the eggs to the goldsmith and take money home.
The goldsmith started thinking, about the eggs and asked the farmer ! Brother from where do you get these golden eggs ? The farmer told him the complete story.
Now the goldsmith started thinking, if the farmer will become rich then he will not respect me, he then prepared a plan. Next time when the farmer came to sell the golden eggs the goldsmith asked, brother why don't you tear the stomach of the hen and take out all the eggs at a time ? You will become rich in one day. The farmer started thinking and brought a knife and killed the hen. There was nothing in dead hen's stomach. He started crying as to become rich in one day he killed his source of income. 

The moral of the story 
Never believe in shortcuts to become rich.
Don't trust others blindly