Friday 19 April 2019

Moral Stories : Don't judge a book by its cover

We start judging people by observing them for a short time, we may not have complete information about their current situation and what they are going through. We must be wise enough not to judge people with our limited knowledge.

Once such story is below.

Don't judge a book by its cover (Don't judge people with your limited knowledge)

A family was travelling by train, the family had one father of age 50 a mother of age 45 and a son of age 15 years. The son was very excited and was sitting near the window. He was continuously interrupting his mother as asking, mom is that cloud ? then mom is that tree ? ..... A gentleman was sitting in front of their seat was watching this family with surprise. He was sometimes irritated and sometimes amused with all these crazy questions of the boy. 
Finally the person could stop himself and asked the family, why don't you take your boy to a doctor and get his mental checkup done. His questions seems to be like a very small kid seeing things for the first time. 
The family smiled and replied, yes we had taken him to a doctor ! The doctor did a surgery and our boy seems to be fine now.
The person asked, but he is asking all stupid questions.
The family replied, our boy was not able to see anything from childhood and he use to ask us the same questions, how trees look like ? How clouds look like ? and we used to give him description. Today his eye surgery was successful and he is able to see things and with excitement he is asking all these questions which seems to be silly for a normal persona like you.

The person remained silent.

Being human, it is our extreme responsibility that we should not hurt other by asking irrelevant questions with our limited understanding of their situations. 

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